Thursday, May 17, 2007

SERIOUSLY! Where did all this crap come from?

Yes, we are STILL packing. If I could just stay motivated, it might help. But there is only so much cardboard you can stand touching! We're getting close, though. I am finally starting to see the end of it. Cecily is into climbing on EVERYTHING lately. She can find pens and markers no matter where we think we put them out of her reach. The other day she climbed onto the kitchen bar and found one of the black magic markers we have been marking boxes with. These pictures show the results of that. Do you think she was going for the fishnet stockings look? (And yes, the marker is still visible today).


Dottie Stay said...

Jen, you make me laugh! Cecily is so cute! At least she didn't draw on any walls or anything. They do look like fishnets. How cute is that?! Good luck with the packing and finishing up. The thought of moving makes me sick. I have so much junk, I don't know where I would start.

Michelle Y said...

Good luck with the upcoming move Jen. It looks like Cecily is a pretty typical little girl, really cute. Keep the pictures coming!

Megan B said...

Ha ha ha!! I forgot about your cardboard aversion!!!

Annie said...

Yeah Jen! Welcome to the blogosphere! I loved seeing your comment on my blog. Hope all goes well with the move. What a cute family you have!

Megan said...

Oh the sharpie! Lincoln did that just the other day! Moving out of state is quite the chore- good thing your husband is so good to you and doesn't let you lift over 10 lbs! Good luck in NM!